Professional Service In The Field Of Law

We’re Not Just Lawyers, We’re Advocates For Justice And Rights
We are a team of highly skilled advocates and lawyers dedicated to delivering exceptional legal services.
With extensive expertise across various legal fields including conveyancing & real estate, corporate & commercial practice, civil & criminal litigation, employment & labor relations matters, probate & succession matters among others. We are committed to providing personalized and effective solutions to our clients.
our mission
Provide exceptional legal services with integrity, professionalism, respect, ensuring justice for all.
our vision
To align our legal services towards achieving an honest, integrity-based, and just society.
Our commitment
To offer timely, thoroughly researched, client-focused legal services tailored to achieve the best possible outcome.
Legal Practice Areas
Conveyancing & Real Estate
Conducting title searches, land purchase transactions, land transfers, charges, mortgages, Ardhi Sasa platform regularization, Ardhi Sasa land conversions and transfers, overseeing perfection of conveyancing and real estate securities among others.
Corporate & Commercial practice
It covers various trade and contractual relationships between individual persons and/or corporate/legal entities . The contractual and business legal relationships may transcend internationally. The role of the firm is to ensure that there are no business risks and/or minimized while maximizing profits.
Probate & succession matters
Ensures assets & liabilities of the deceased (both testate and intestate-with or without a will) are properly handled and beneficiaries receive their rightful share/inheritance.
Civil litigation
Involves legal disputes of civil nature(financial, property-related,etc.) between individuals, businesses, and/or other Government entities over rights and obligations. The same may be through out of Court settlements, mediation, arbitrations or Court processes.
Employment & labor relations
Addresses workplace aspects, including hiring, conditions of work, compensation, benefits, dispute resolution, collective bargaining and generally employment and labour relations matters within the scope of the Work Injury Benefits Act (WIBA).
Legal consultancy services
Provision of timely legal advice and services to individuals, private persons, group of persons, companies, businesses and other organizations/groups both oral and/or formal opinions.
A Passion For Justice.
The Experience For Wins.
Our legal services or advice provided are centered around the needs, preferences, and best interests of the client.
Our expertise and insights enable us to effectively represent clients, provide sound legal advice, and navigate legal complexities.
We uphold ethical standards and guiding principles, essential for maintaining trust, credibility, and fairness in the legal system.
What Clients Say About Us?
“ I confirm the firm has handled and continues to handle all matters forwarded to it expeditiously and to our satisfaction. The firm is well known for its expertise in various legal matters and we can indeed confirm that they have done and continue to do diligent and professional work.”
Mr. Samuel M. Kibugi ~ Company secretary
Co-operative Bank of Kenya (Head Office, Nairobi)
“ We wish to confirm that the firm of Maina Rogoi & Company Advocates is in our panel of advocates and they have been handling our legal matters in a professional manner.”
Valentine Kinyanjui ~ Legal Department
Family Bank, Moi Avenue
“ We wish to confirm that the firm of Maina Rogoi & Company Advocates has handled and continues to handle numerous legal matters on our behalf. The firm's work is executed with utmost professionalism and competence. The firm primarily handles our insurance and commercial matters but have also successfully prosecuted, defended us and advised us on Consultancies in IT Law & Commercial Law, Conveyancing & Tenancy disputes among others.”
Dolphine Moindi ~ Legal Officer
Takaful Insurance of Africa, Head Office, Renaissance Corporate Park
ask for consultation
Are you in need of help from a lawyer? Contact us today!
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keep in touch
Phone: (020) 222 0712
Email: info@mainarogoiadvocates.com
“ We will answer you within 24 hours via email, or you can call us directly, we are always ready to serve.”
Thank You.